Our officiating chair, Bette Festing, will be hosting a virtual rules clinic on Saturday, August 21 at 12 PM. This is a great opportunity for new and returning lifters to learn what has changed with the IPF technical rules since the pandemic shut everything down. It’s also a great opportunity for referees and scorekeepers to refresh their knowledge. If you are a new lifter then it’s highly recommended you attend the virtual rules clinic!
Bette will be hosting this from Victoria, BC, which also gives referee candidates the chance to write the referee exam in person! If you are interested in taking the first step to becoming Provincial Category II referee with the BCPA then this is your chance. Seats are limited for the referee exam, so email Bette at [email protected] if you’d like to write the exam! The referee exam must be written in person in Victoria.
The virtual clinic requires registration before attendance. Click here to register your spot!